Seasonal Jobs are employment opportunities that are available for only a specific period of time or season. This employment opportunity comes along around the same time each year for job seekers. Seasonal jobs are also the jobs that are available throughout the year but have a higher level of demand during a particular period of time. During this period of high demand, companies and organizations hire employees to meet the customer’s demands.
These seasonal jobs are available across a wide spectrum of industries but are particularly prominent in service industries that have particular seasons of high customer demand such as the tourist industry. Particular industries and businesses are also seasonal in nature and only during this period of time do they provide seasonal employment. Seasonal employment is available in industries such as retail, insurance, financial, health care, and hospitality.
What are the main reasons a Jobseeker should try to get a Seasonal job?
There are many different benefits for a job seeker to get a seasonal job. Some of these reasons for a job seeker including:
- Seasonal employment is a great way for those looking for a job to earn money. It provides a source of income to either get the extra money that will benefit them in terms of savings or a way to augment their already existing source of income. It also provides a way for those looking for a job to fund their job search for another job.
- Some places that offer seasonal employment provide incentives on top of the wages that they offer. These incentives in themselves can be extremely appealing for those seeking employment including discounts, store credit, exclusive offers, and so on.
- Seasonal employment is a great way for a person to gain valuable real-life experience. This experience is great for their resumes and a way to develop the skills that will benefit them at their job or job search. They get to develop or refine the skills that they have while being paid for it.
- Seasonal jobs provide an opportunity for people to network and build contracts that will benefit them in the future. These contacts which will be built through networking at the seasonal place of employment will benefit the individual in their future through contacts and referrals.
- The short-term employment nature of these types of jobs will enable those who get hired for it to test it out for a couple of months. Traditional job employment does not provide this type of opportunity to the employee or worker. They can check their own suitability for the job or role in a long-term scenario without the commitment of a traditional job.
How does seasonal employment benefit the employers?
There are many benefits for employers to provide seasonal employment opportunities and hire people during particular seasons besides hiring people to meet the demand. This includes:
- They save a lot of money on the overall cost of hiring as companies and organizations can save money on the overall payroll. Since these companies and organizations hire people for a short period of time, it results in a lower payroll expense.
- Traditional jobs guarantee benefits like retirement funds, health benefits, or paid leave to the employees. Seasonal jobs don’t have these requirements and as such can save money as they aren’t mandated to provide these benefits.
- Traditional jobs have nos pace for trial and error while providing employment opportunities to people as they hire people with a long-term contract. Seasonal work on the other hand allows companies and organizations room to test the people they hire and enable them to see if they are suitable for a longer form of employment.
- They are provided flexibility to hire people as per their needs and demand. They can choose to hire as many employees to deal with the need of the customer.
- There is a level of risk aversion as they can choose to hire people on a short-term basis as opposed to long-term contracts of a regular job.
How to find a seasonal job
The first step for a job seeker who is looking for a seasonal job is to start their search as soon as possible. They should understand what seasonal employment entails and what is in store for them if they get hired. This includes a level of flexibility in terms of being open to working different hours or being open to different types of work.
As with any other job, networking is one of the best ways to acquire a job and a job seeker must exhaust this avenue before they try anything else. They should consider a seasonal job search as important as they would with any other job search. Another opportunity to get seasonal employment is to search retail stores and places like delivery driver companies. They should also try companies or organizations from fields that operate during certain periods such as pool cleaning companies.
The best way to get a seasonal job these days is to try job search websites that are tailored for seasonal employment such as:
- Coolworks: This site connects people to opportunities to live and work in amazing places. It allows filtering through employment opportunities specific to seasonal work.
- Indeed: It is one of the biggest job websites with thousands of job listings provided each month.
- Seasonworkers: This website calls itself the working travel website. All the job listings are efficiently organized.
- Summerjobs: This website is usually catered towards a younger audience and helps them to acquire a seasonal job.
- Seasonalemployment: This job website is exclusive to providing seasonal jobs. The job search on this website can be done through filters of jobs by locations and job descriptions.
- Simplyhired: This is a job search website that provides all kinds of job listings for someone who is looking for a job including those searching for seasonal jobs.
Seasonal jobs are available for job seekers albeit for a short period of time, as such those looking for a job should be able to locate and get one. Though it may be slightly harder to get one than a traditional job it is not an impossible task and as such the resources provided above can help with the job search.